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Aligning Personal Growth and Financial Wellbeing for Attaining Self Actualization

Insights from Nicole Middendorf of Prosperwell Financial

The Active Advisor Podcast (Episode 12)

Welcome to the latest episode of The Active Advisor podcast. Bryan Moore, ETF Capital Markets Expert at Harbor Capital, and Gavin Ernst co-host today's episode. Join them as they welcome Nicole Middendorf, CEO and Wealth Advisor at Prosperwell Financial. Nicole is a money maven, a knowledge junkie, and a born coach. She is an entrepreneur who left Morgan Stanley in 2003 to run her own wealth management firm, Prosperwell Financial. Nicole is the author of five books, a world traveler, a philanthropist, and an accomplished public speaker.

Join us as we discuss different touch points around finance, including:

  • How to achieve the “wow experience” for your clients
  • How does the Certified Divorce Financial Analyst certification differentiate Nicole’s practice
  • Statistics say 1 in 3 people are happy, learn how Nicole beats these odds
  • Finding the balance between customization and standardization in investment management
  • Nicole’s passion for diversity in the financial workspace
  • How to leverage LinkedIn to grow your brand, philosophy, and culture
  • Whether wealthy single women are an underserved segment in wealth advisory
  • Nicole’s philosophy on active management

Nicole is a Wealth Advisor and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst at Prosperwell Financial. Her main focus is helping people find happiness in life and feel comfortable with their money. She is able to accomplish this through one-on-one client meetings, writing books, presenting at conferences, and appearing on TV, radio, and other media.

Nicole shares financial advice and a real-life perspective on saving, planning, and investing with audiences nationwide. She works hard to empower her audience to make crucial and positive changes in their own lives. Nicole’s books have received local and national press coverage and she has become known for her thoughtful, concise quotes, relaxed on-air presence, and articulate delivery..

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Music provided by Tom Hunt / Music&SFX Pro, Artlist License

*Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training.



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