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‘IN the Nasdaq’ with Kristof Gleich, president and CIO of Harbor Capital Advisors

‘IN the Nasdaq’ with Kristof Gleich, president and CIO of Harbor Capital Advisors

February 15, 2023

‘IN the Nasdaq’ with Kristof Gleich, president and CIO of Harbor Capital Advisors

Harbor Capital president Kristof Gleich sits down with InvestmentNews anchor Gregg Greenberg to explain why he sees small-cap, value and liquid alternative ETFs gaining traction in the market, as well as his formula for finding successful managers.

Important Information

The views expressed herein are those of Harbor Capital Advisors, Inc. investment professionals at the time the comments were made. They may not be reflective of their current opinions, are subject to change without prior notice, and should not be considered investment advice. The information provided in this presentation is for informational purposes only.

This material does not constitute investment advice and should not be viewed as a current or past recommendation or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any securities or to adopt any investment strategy.

Investing involves risk, principal loss is possible. Unlike mutual funds, ETFs may trade at a premium or discount to their net asset value.

Alpha is a measure of the active return on an investment, the performance of that investment compared with a suitable market index.

Harbor Funds Distributors, Inc. and Foreside Fund Services, LLC are not affiliated with InvestmentNews.


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